Newsletter Archive

FCCP4S Newsletter: Volume 7


FCCP4S Newsletter: Volume 6


FCCP4S Newsletter: Volume 5


FCCP4S Newsletter: Volume 4


FCCP4S Newsletter: Volume 3


URGENT: School Board Vacancy Selection TOMORROW, Email Our School Board ASAP!

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Urgent Emails needed now for School Board vacancy selection!

Make Our Collective Voices Heard!

The school board is making their vacancy selection regarding their current open seat TOMORROW. It is imperative they select a candidate whose voice will be one that will advocate for our children in regards to returning to full-time in-person instruction swiftly and safely. This should be the primary focus and goal of our system and the School Board selection should reflect that need and the desire to rebuild lost trust with the parents of this community. Please copy and paste the below text and email our school board members ASAP.  

Current School Board Members,

Children having the option of full-time in-person learning is the critical issue facing our system at this time. We are in the middle of a school crisis and the community has lost confidence with the School Board and their ability to prioritize issues and represent different ideas and perspectives. Therefore, it is imperative that the candidate selected by the School Board for your vacant seat be an individual that has been vocal about their primary focus being getting students back into the class room. Of the 12 candidates who put forward their name to fill the vacancy, only 4 spoke directly to a return to full-time in-person learning as their primary reason for wanting to be selected: Ilya Shapiro, Kyle Erickson, Jerrod Anderson, and Caroline Lian. 

While other candidates may bring various assets to the table, the school board would be mis-stepping yet again and further eroding trust if they did not choose to select their newest member based on a return to school being the candidate’s primary platform. Just today there was again a Letter to the Editor in the Falls Church News Press with yet another concerned parent advocating for their children to be in person. 

We anxiously await your choice on your newest member and look forward to voting in November.

School Board Emails:;;;;;;


FCCP4S Newsletter: Volume 2


Yard Signs Now Available

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Time to pick up your sign! We will distribute our new signs this weekend. Grab one sign for your yard, or a pack of signs to take back to your neighborhood. Also, pass along this email to your friends so they can visit our website and add themselves to our email distribution list!

We are looking for volunteers to knock on doors to spread the word about FCCP4S and what we’re about. In addition to yard signs, we will also have pre-addressed postcards to handout. These postcards have space for families to write to Dr. Noonan and the board why we want our kids back in school. If you are interested in canvassing neighborhoods with signs and postcards, email Jen Landers, or call 703-930-8135.

You can pick up your sign or a pack of signs to distribute at ROBERTS PARK. Signs will be available for pickup from 10 AM – 12 PM.

Let’s get a sign in every yard!
Every kid, every day.

If you have questions about sign distribution, or you can’t make it to the pickup on Saturday, email Jen Landers, or call 703-930-8135.


FCCP4S Newsletter: Volume 1

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