Falls Church City Parents For Schools
Welcome! We are a group of Falls Church City parents advocating to return our children to full-time, in-person instruction by following science-backed recommendations.
FCCP4S formed to advocate for the full reopening of Falls Church City Public Schools on behalf of children and parents. Our children are struggling in the virtual learning environment. FCCP4S is standing up for those children and insisting on accountability, and a clear science-backed path forward to full-time, in-person instruction through advocacy and education. To get involved with FCCP4S, please join our Facebook Group, follow us on Twitter, subscribe to our newsletter, and take action!
Latest News
FCCP4S Newsletter - Volume 7
If you haven’t already gotten a yard sign, grab one for your yard, or a pack of signs to take back to your neighborhood. If you have questions about yards signs, email Jen Landers, or call 703-930-8135.